Thursday, February 7, 2013

Love and Grow Crafts: Vinegar and Baking Soda

Given the odd weather of late, I have been searching high and low for suitable indoor crafts and experiments. The former Chemistry teacher inside me just loves anything science-related so this craft was right up my alley.

The original source for this idea came from Two Big Two Little. This is literally the easiest craft yet, and you will always have the supplies on hand.

Here is what you need:

Baking soda
Food coloring

Here's what to do:

Pour the baking soda onto a tray. Fill small cups with vinegar, coloring each cup a different color with the food coloring. Then, show your kids how to drop the food coloring onto the baking soda for a cool "reaction."   When they run out of food coloring, they can smush the final product in their hands for a great sensory experience!

Here's my sweet Lucas experimenting!

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