Monday, January 7, 2013

Tuition Contest!

Just in time for the start of Spring classes next week, we are having a contest for a $30 tuition discount! Entering the contest is simple: comment on this post sharing your child's favorite song. We get warm fuzzies when we see it's a Kindermusik song, but any song will do! For a second entry, comment on our Facebook page!

If you haven't registered yet, you can find all the details on how to do so here. As a reminder, we will have classes in McKinney, Allen and two locations in Garland! See you next week! 


  1. Both of my kids have been to or are going through Kindermusik. My daughter Gabi loves making up her own songs but I'd have to say her favorite song right now is "Some Nights" by Fun. She calls it "the drum song." Gabi is also constantly singing songs from the Milk & Cookies class. However it never fails that while in the car she asks for "Ahoy, There Mates."
    My son Grady also loves "the drum song" because he can dance to it. But when it comes to Kindermusik songs his absolute favorite is "The Carpenters Hammer." He loves doing the motions but gets extra excited towards the end of the song we he can shout "ME" from the top of his lungs.

  2. Stephanie MerrifieldJanuary 7, 2013 at 9:09 PM

    There is such great music to pick from, but Kate and Lane still love Allie Allie O Zoo Train the best. I thought they would eventually tire of it, but they never do. It is still their favorite sing along after all this time! After playing it and singing it over and over and over, luckily, I still like it too!!

  3. Fun contest! My oldest daughter still loves Flea, Fly, Mosquito, from On the Road. My youngest is just about to begin her first class, so she doesn't have a favorite yet. But when she was a baby, we could get her to stop crying in the car by playing the running water sounds (track 8. I'll never forget!) on Wiggles and Giggles. My favorite is Mama Paquita - so catchy!

  4. From the Milk and Cookies class my 2 year old son Danny loves the intro song "Our Time." He loves it when one of the kids wants to run or piggy back when their name is sung. Makes me smile just picturing him running in a big circle around the room with the other kiddos.

  5. Chase is always chatting about something. Lately his songs that he's has been saying is walking around saying "nine days old" and "on and on and on". When I sing or turn on the music, he gets so excited. So from Milk and Cookies, he likes Peas, Porridge Hot and from Busy Days, he likes Uncle John.
    Courtney DeMakas

  6. Kinley love the MerryGoRound song... He still sings it! He still talks about "Music Class" he had such
    A good time! And sometimes he says "shoo fly pie!". Lol
    Kandy Pople
    (& GingerTot Kinley)

  7. Sofie is always asking me to play Allee-Allee-O from the Zoo Train class. She loves to sing to it
